Friday, June 3, 2011


I haven't had the physical or the emotional wherewithal to write for a couple of weeks, but today is a very special day; and as such, it brings to the surface some emotions that we normally stuff down in order to maintain our momentum as we trudge along through the steepest and highest stretches of this extremely long and immensely rocky trial.

If you’ve ever gone on a long hike up in the Sierras or some undeveloped mountainous area, you realize the importance of pacing yourself and not resting for too long at any point before you reach the peak; lest you lose your aspiration to even finish the climb.

Mike and I have both made a commitment to oneness with God and one another; endeavoring on a journey of continuous spiritual growth in the very face of this adversity. If it weren’t for the strength, endurance and unconditional love resultant of our faith and commitment to God, I suspect that the trials we have endured over these past four years would have annihilated us, and most newly married couples for that matter. But praise be to God, we have yet to turn on one another; but instead have remained securely aligned in faith, prayer and patient love.

Having said that, we are still human and occasionally succumb to moments of difficulty; battling physical exhaustion, oppression, and disappointment. Delays continue to drag out this arduous legal battle of hearings, depositions and postponements; not to mention the looming threat of foreclosure.

On top of that, we are struggling to survive the maintenance on the property with a mower running on one belt and a very dull blade. And as if things couldn’t get any more stressful, we walked over to find a puddle of water developing along the fence line which means we have an underground broken water main pipe; and since we no longer have the home warranty coverage to help us with a plumber we can’t address this right now.

So why is today a very special day? Today is our fifth (5th) wedding anniversary; four of those years have been spent dealing with the trauma and legal circus surrounding our “dream home”; a house located in a flood zone and atop a designated drainage easement.

The fact that these individuals could betray us through the act of fraud; having us invest our life savings in this property is bad enough; but to continue to lie and perpetuate three years of malicious delays in our civil case, lacking any remorse over what they have done to our lives is unconscionable.

I haven’t had a question about our love surviving this experience; but we both have had a question as to whether we both will endure this physically.

The other day Mike shared that his chest felt concave and he was dizzy. Mike’s isn’t at all one to exaggerate; so I took it seriously when he said “I thought there for a while God was taking me home.” He hasn’t been looking good, and still doesn’t sleep through the night. Today after working outside mowing a while and weed whacking he sat on the Jacuzzi edge. I pulled up on the mower and turned it of; he looked really bad. I asked “Are you okay?” He couldn’t even get a word out of his mouth, but simply mouthed to me “I’m. . . okay.” He didn’t seem real coherent so I asked him again and he just gazed at me with this strange look. He eventually walked in the house and we called it a day.

This is one of those times that I struggle with feeling anger towards these defendants, and the ongoing evil in dragging on this charade of lies; especially with all of the indisputable documented evidence against them.

Bottom line; they have had an insurance carrier taking the burden off of them for a few years and now they apparently have someone bank rolling their defense, or they are so disgustingly rich from their successful real estate endeavors that they are unscathed by these delays.

It will be very painful if we lose our home and everything we have to a foreclosure; but if we were to lose one of us…. ?



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