Tuesday, May 17, 2011
Monday, May 16, 2011
Today opposing counsel for the defendants (i.e. the sellers' Realtors), apparently accepted our attorney's challenge to a legal duel. The weapons of choice? Legal motions, petitions and hearings!
Friday was the day that our attorney unloaded a round with his "Paintiffs' 3rd Amended Original Petition" announcing his decision to make this matter a straight fraud case; thus removing any obligation for the insurance carrier to provide legal defense representation and/or to cover any damages awarded to us in a jury verdict.
Today, defense counsel fired a round back in a newly filed "Motion for Summary Judgment"; meaning that they are attempting to have our case thrown out. The grounds for a request for Summary Judgment, is a motion where one side states that the facts presented prove their side of the matter, and thus; a jury verdict is not necessary. I am not sure if that makes sense, but in short; it is an effort by defense counsel to have our case tossed out, robbing us of our civil right to present all of our evidence before a jury of our peers.
The court website shows a hearing date scheduled for six weeks, July 30th, 2011; at which time both sides will present their arguments before the judge, who will then rule on the motion. Yes, another delay. (sigh)
Each time we take a hit it becomes harder for me to physically recover. Today was especially one of those days. After the good news from Chase, and then seeing the notice of the Motion for Summary Judgment and the hearing date set six weeks out; my blood pressure spiked and I had to lay down.
Mike laid next to me to hold me and try to help me get somewhat stabilized. He then made me some hot tea with honey to help try to alleviate the lingering headache.
My headaches become so debilitating that my face begins to hurt and feel numb. Moreover, along with the headaches I get a tightness in my chest
Surviving a mini-stroke back in 1997, I have some real concerns that add to the fact that I just don't seem to be recovering from these episodes of stress like I was in the beginning of this mess. They seem to be triggered more easily and take more out of me with each episode. Seizure activity has been more regular as well, dropping objects and having difficulty with my balance.
Mike has already seen me turn pale and collapse, and I know he is concerned. My heart just takes off like a jet engine and I can't get it to slow, I end up gasping for a breath and end up coughing a lot as my heart fills like it's doing flip flops in my chest.
The other day Mike told me "I need you in my life"; I just cry.
We pray and ask God, one way or another, to get us both on the other side of this trial; untethered from this nightmare so that we can love one another and focus all of our extra energy on serving Him.
We both pray that we will be able to grow old together, or for Abba to just take us together now. All we know is that we want to be together; and to be in His presence whether it be here or in heaven.
We love each other so very, very much.
This tight wire act has really been wearing us out lately. Deadlines approaching, a new defense firm stirring up more delays, and our finances dwindling away.
Well, this morning we heard some wonderful news that will give us at least a little relief. Mike contacted Chase Home Finance to clear up the issue on when they had scheduled the foreclosure sale date. As stated earlier, we initially were told on the phone, June 7th; that would be just a couple of weeks away and four days after our wedding anniversary on June 3rd.
Last week we were told on the phone that the date had been set for July 5th; but not a couple of hours after that our attorney informed us that he had received a letter in the mail advising him that the foreclosure sale date was set for the June 7th date.
When Mike spoke to the representative from Chase today, she informed him that a note had been entered into their system moving the July 5th date to a status of "postponed." Praise Abba!
It has become a very common occurrence as of late to have some good news served up, providing us some sense of relief; only to turn around and have someone serve up some bad news to knock the wind out of us, again. Today was no different; and just a few hours after we heard of the postponement of the foreclosure sale date, another defense tactic was launched.
Today opposing counsel for the defendants (i.e. the sellers' Realtors), apparently accepted our attorney's challenge to a legal duel. The weapons of choice? Legal motions, petitions and hearings!
Friday was the day that our attorney unloaded a round with his "Paintiffs' 3rd Amended Original Petition" announcing his decision to make this matter a straight fraud case; thus removing any obligation for the insurance carrier to provide legal defense representation and/or to cover any damages awarded to us in a jury verdict.
Today, defense counsel fired a round back in a newly filed "Motion for Summary Judgment"; meaning that they are attempting to have our case thrown out. The grounds for a request for Summary Judgment, is a motion where one side states that the facts presented prove their side of the matter, and thus; a jury verdict is not necessary. I am not sure if that makes sense, but in short; it is an effort by defense counsel to have our case tossed out, robbing us of our civil right to present all of our evidence before a jury of our peers.
The court website shows a hearing date scheduled for six weeks, July 30th, 2011; at which time both sides will present their arguments before the judge, who will then rule on the motion. Yes, another delay. (sigh)
Each time we take a hit it becomes harder for me to physically recover. Today was especially one of those days. After the good news from Chase, and then seeing the notice of the Motion for Summary Judgment and the hearing date set six weeks out; my blood pressure spiked and I had to lay down.
Mike laid next to me to hold me and try to help me get somewhat stabilized. He then made me some hot tea with honey to help try to alleviate the lingering headache.
My headaches become so debilitating that my face begins to hurt and feel numb. Moreover, along with the headaches I get a tightness in my chest
Surviving a mini-stroke back in 1997, I have some real concerns that add to the fact that I just don't seem to be recovering from these episodes of stress like I was in the beginning of this mess. They seem to be triggered more easily and take more out of me with each episode. Seizure activity has been more regular as well, dropping objects and having difficulty with my balance.
Mike has already seen me turn pale and collapse, and I know he is concerned. My heart just takes off like a jet engine and I can't get it to slow, I end up gasping for a breath and end up coughing a lot as my heart fills like it's doing flip flops in my chest.
The other day Mike told me "I need you in my life"; I just cry.
We pray and ask God, one way or another, to get us both on the other side of this trial; untethered from this nightmare so that we can love one another and focus all of our extra energy on serving Him.
We both pray that we will be able to grow old together, or for Abba to just take us together now. All we know is that we want to be together; and to be in His presence whether it be here or in heaven.
We love each other so very, very much.
Saturday, May 14, 2011
We are getting down to the wire on timelines for foreclosure sale. There appears to be a conflict between what we were told by Chase Home Finance on the telephone yesterday, and the date put in a letter sent to our attorney. The date is either June 7th or July 5th. Of course, that is a significant issue for us since we have no place to live, and really no means by which to move our belongings and/or store them.
Our attorney had faxed a letter to Chase Home Finance's corporate offices in Ohio and the law firm representing them in escrow, Barrett Daffin Frappier Turner & Engel, LLP to which they have not yet personally responded, aside from the letter he apparently received in the mail yesterday which was initiated prior to our fax.
In light of the fact that no one was responding, we initiated a fax of all of our documentation to Chase Home Finance on Thursday, May 12th, 2011; including the professional appraisal report by Kenneth Phillips noting the property has no marketable value; the Parker County Tax Appraisal statement that shows the county as noting the improvements (house/structure) as having Zero value ($0) and the land reduced from $75,000.00 to $25,000.00; the original letter from our attorney, and; a letter from U.S. Senator Cornyn's office.
Friday we received a call back from a representative at Chase, Lorenza, who finally gave us the name of the attorney at Barrett Daffin Frappier Turner & Engel, LLP who is handling our foreclosure, Ryan Bourgeois. According to Lorenza, Ryan stated that they had received our documents and were looking them over in order to advise Chase. Ryan also requested that our attorney contact him directly, providing his direct dial number. Our attorney called on Friday and received a voicemail, leaving a message for Ryan.
In light of the history of malicious delay tactics to drag out this case by defense, our attorney recommended that we remove the Deceptive Trade & Practices Act / Negligence claims and go with straight fraud in order to accomplish a couple of things.
Firstly, the significance of the above decision is to remove an appellate cause of action that defense would likely attempt to file against us regarding the the two year statute of limitation on the DTPA claim.
Secondly, make this a straight fraud cause of action is supposed to alleviate any cause they might have in filing a motion for something called collateral estoppel.
Next, the move to amend our petition to a straight fraud action also serves to expose the defendants since insurance carriers do not defend or pay damages on acts of fraud. Thus, the defendants are likely going to be forced to dig into their own pockets for legal representation which, according to our attorney, could reach an estimated $100,000 by the time we all reach trial.
Lastly, acts of fraud can not be shared. Thus, the damages can not be percentage out based on the measure of each individuals actions, but each individual now has to answer the claims of fraud against them and them alone, which may very well cause finger pointing and the pursuit of legal counsel independent of one another.
The amended petition was sent as an attachment in an email on Friday to the new defense firm. The body of the email read:
Our attorney had faxed a letter to Chase Home Finance's corporate offices in Ohio and the law firm representing them in escrow, Barrett Daffin Frappier Turner & Engel, LLP to which they have not yet personally responded, aside from the letter he apparently received in the mail yesterday which was initiated prior to our fax.
In light of the fact that no one was responding, we initiated a fax of all of our documentation to Chase Home Finance on Thursday, May 12th, 2011; including the professional appraisal report by Kenneth Phillips noting the property has no marketable value; the Parker County Tax Appraisal statement that shows the county as noting the improvements (house/structure) as having Zero value ($0) and the land reduced from $75,000.00 to $25,000.00; the original letter from our attorney, and; a letter from U.S. Senator Cornyn's office.
Friday we received a call back from a representative at Chase, Lorenza, who finally gave us the name of the attorney at Barrett Daffin Frappier Turner & Engel, LLP who is handling our foreclosure, Ryan Bourgeois. According to Lorenza, Ryan stated that they had received our documents and were looking them over in order to advise Chase. Ryan also requested that our attorney contact him directly, providing his direct dial number. Our attorney called on Friday and received a voicemail, leaving a message for Ryan.
In light of the history of malicious delay tactics to drag out this case by defense, our attorney recommended that we remove the Deceptive Trade & Practices Act / Negligence claims and go with straight fraud in order to accomplish a couple of things.
Firstly, the significance of the above decision is to remove an appellate cause of action that defense would likely attempt to file against us regarding the the two year statute of limitation on the DTPA claim.
Secondly, make this a straight fraud cause of action is supposed to alleviate any cause they might have in filing a motion for something called collateral estoppel.
Next, the move to amend our petition to a straight fraud action also serves to expose the defendants since insurance carriers do not defend or pay damages on acts of fraud. Thus, the defendants are likely going to be forced to dig into their own pockets for legal representation which, according to our attorney, could reach an estimated $100,000 by the time we all reach trial.
Lastly, acts of fraud can not be shared. Thus, the damages can not be percentage out based on the measure of each individuals actions, but each individual now has to answer the claims of fraud against them and them alone, which may very well cause finger pointing and the pursuit of legal counsel independent of one another.
The amended petition was sent as an attachment in an email on Friday to the new defense firm. The body of the email read:
I don't know, but I think the signature is attorney for "Checkmate!" Or perhaps, its simply saying "this is the end of your billing the heck out of your client's insurance carrier."I have attached a copy of the 3rd Amended Original Petition I have mailed for filing today. I have now non-suited by amendment the negligence and DTPA claims so that the only remaining claims are the fraud claims.
Have a Good Weekend!"
We don't get giddy over this stuff, for our trust and confidence is in our God. Whatever hope or confidence we had in the judicial system has been tested and burned away in the chaff. We believe the system is under the almighty hand of a Sovereign God, as noted in the book of Romans; but now we just await to see His will unfold for our lives.
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
Today was a pivotal day for my husband and me. We have long anticipated that this thing would drag itself out until we had no options left but to begin to take this matter public. Today was that day.
We received a response from our attorney to some questions we had regarding status updates on a hearing and the threat by defense counsel to make things worse by filing against their clients, the sellers, along with our Realtor and her brokerage firm. One sentence clinched it for us.
"I have called some trusted attorneys about what happens to your damages if you lose the house. The response is unanimous. You have no viable damage claim. I think we need to talk on Thursday."
Three years of the ongoing stress of the issues regarding this property and civil litigation have all but wiped us out physically, emotionally and financially. Now at the end of three years to be told that we could lose even our civil right to recover damages through the judicial system; and all because of senseless and malicious delays by the defense?
So, today my husband walked into the room and looked at me and . . .
Michael: "Honey, what about contacting our Senator?"
Me: "Our Senator?"
Michael: "Well, there's got to be someone like a Senator or some official that can help us."
Me: "Okay, let me see what I can find."
I remembered a Senator Cornyn who used to send automated emails to us. I googled to locate his website and find a local office. After a conversation with the initial contact in the office who felt they couldn't help us, our issues not falling under their jurisdiction of "federal"; the gentleman decided that the issue with our mortgage company wanting to foreclose on us "did" fall under their jurisdiction, and forwarded me on to their mortgage representative, Drew Clifton.
The call appeared to end on a positive note, Drew offering to jump right on the matter for us; contacting Chase Home Finance and/or the law firm representing them in the foreclosure, in an attempt to obtain a forbearance on our mortgage until our case has been tried.
We sent off numerous documents, including our lawyers letter to Chase. Now we wait and see.
We received a response from our attorney to some questions we had regarding status updates on a hearing and the threat by defense counsel to make things worse by filing against their clients, the sellers, along with our Realtor and her brokerage firm. One sentence clinched it for us.
"I have called some trusted attorneys about what happens to your damages if you lose the house. The response is unanimous. You have no viable damage claim. I think we need to talk on Thursday."
Three years of the ongoing stress of the issues regarding this property and civil litigation have all but wiped us out physically, emotionally and financially. Now at the end of three years to be told that we could lose even our civil right to recover damages through the judicial system; and all because of senseless and malicious delays by the defense?
So, today my husband walked into the room and looked at me and . . .
Michael: "Honey, what about contacting our Senator?"
Me: "Our Senator?"
Michael: "Well, there's got to be someone like a Senator or some official that can help us."
Me: "Okay, let me see what I can find."
I remembered a Senator Cornyn who used to send automated emails to us. I googled to locate his website and find a local office. After a conversation with the initial contact in the office who felt they couldn't help us, our issues not falling under their jurisdiction of "federal"; the gentleman decided that the issue with our mortgage company wanting to foreclose on us "did" fall under their jurisdiction, and forwarded me on to their mortgage representative, Drew Clifton.
The call appeared to end on a positive note, Drew offering to jump right on the matter for us; contacting Chase Home Finance and/or the law firm representing them in the foreclosure, in an attempt to obtain a forbearance on our mortgage until our case has been tried.
We sent off numerous documents, including our lawyers letter to Chase. Now we wait and see.
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