Saturday, May 14, 2011


We are getting down to the wire on timelines for foreclosure sale. There appears to be a conflict between what we were told by Chase Home Finance on the telephone yesterday, and the date put in a letter sent to our attorney. The date is either June 7th or July 5th. Of course, that is a significant issue for us since we have no place to live, and really no means by which to move our belongings and/or store them.

Our attorney had faxed a letter to Chase Home Finance's corporate offices in Ohio and the law firm representing them in escrow, Barrett Daffin Frappier Turner & Engel, LLP to which they have not yet personally responded, aside from the letter he apparently received in the mail yesterday which was initiated prior to our fax.

In light of the fact that no one was responding, we initiated a fax of all of our documentation to Chase Home Finance on Thursday, May 12th, 2011; including the professional appraisal report by Kenneth Phillips noting the property has no marketable value; the Parker County Tax Appraisal statement that shows the county as noting the improvements (house/structure) as having Zero value ($0) and the land reduced from $75,000.00 to $25,000.00; the original letter from our attorney, and; a letter from U.S. Senator Cornyn's office.

Friday we received a call back from a representative at Chase, Lorenza, who finally gave us the name of the attorney at Barrett Daffin Frappier Turner & Engel, LLP who is handling our foreclosure, Ryan Bourgeois. According to Lorenza, Ryan stated that they had received our documents and were looking them over in order to advise Chase. Ryan also requested that our attorney contact him directly, providing his direct dial number. Our attorney called on Friday and received a voicemail, leaving a message for Ryan.


In light of the history of malicious delay tactics to drag out this case by defense, our attorney recommended that we remove the Deceptive Trade & Practices Act / Negligence claims and go with straight fraud in order to accomplish a couple of things.

Firstly, the significance of the above decision is to remove an appellate cause of action that defense would likely attempt to file against us regarding the the two year statute of limitation on the DTPA claim.

Secondly, make this a straight fraud cause of action is supposed to alleviate any cause they might have in filing a motion for something called collateral estoppel.

Next, the move to amend our petition to a straight fraud action also serves to expose the defendants since insurance carriers do not defend or pay damages on acts of fraud. Thus, the defendants are likely going to be forced to dig into their own pockets for legal representation which, according to our attorney, could reach an estimated $100,000 by the time we all reach trial.

Lastly, acts of fraud can not be shared. Thus, the damages can not be percentage out based on the measure of each individuals actions, but each individual now has to answer the claims of fraud against them and them alone, which may very well cause finger pointing and the pursuit of legal counsel independent of one another.

The amended petition was sent as an attachment in an email on Friday to the new defense firm. The body of the email read:
I have attached a copy of the 3rd Amended Original Petition I have mailed for filing today.  I have now non-suited by amendment the negligence and DTPA claims so that the only remaining claims are the fraud claims.  

Have a Good Weekend!"
I don't know, but I think the signature is attorney for "Checkmate!" Or perhaps, its simply saying "this is the end of your billing the heck out of your client's insurance carrier."

We don't get giddy over this stuff, for our trust and confidence is in our God. Whatever hope or confidence we had in the judicial system has been tested and burned away in the chaff. We believe the system is under the almighty hand of a Sovereign God, as noted in the book of Romans; but now we just await to see His will unfold for our lives.



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