Sandy came referred to us by the horse rescue that took Prince and Bear. I miss them so; but watching our little ones leave will rip my heart out. Mike and I delivered Bella and Sophie with our own hands. Up night after night waiting for the Moms to go into labor. We put an air mattress in the back of the truck and parked in the round pen.
Beauty really loves Mike. She would back up to him to get her rear brushed, following him around. Sarah was my baby girl. She's so humble compared to them all, a real sweetheart.
Right after Bella was born she would crawl up into Mike's lap. She continued to do that for the longest time. Almost a year old and she still wanted to sit in his lap. She's would walk between us while holding hands all the way to, and back from, the mail box.
Sophie is like her Mom, Sarah. Humble and gentle. Two little white hairs on her forehead to tell her apart from Bella.
Then there is Zorro. He was in this little pen area when we first saw him. It was so nice to bring him here and watch him be able to run and roam around a bigger area. He loved playing with big Bear, like dogs. Zorro called out missing Bear for days after he was taken to the rescue. I know how he feels.
We had put a video together for brother Robert and sister Charlene just about a week ago. We had no idea the events that would occur since then, forcing us to part with the little ones.
Psalm 56:8-9
"Thou tellest my wanderings: put thou my tears into thy bottle:
are they not in thy book?
When I cry unto thee, then shall mine enemies turn back:
this I know; for God is for me."