Sunday, September 11, 2011


Today seemed an unusually long and physically exhausting day; and one best described as a one of emotional numbness. The estate sale is approaching quickly and it is a surreal experience to say the least; in a couple of days our life as we have known it will cease to exist. The dogs are anxious as they can sense something major is going on in our home. Items being moved and boxes piling up. Dixie has needed a lot of extra TLC over the past few days.

This has been a particularly hard time for Mike since his priority, aside from that of serving his LORD has been to make every effort to provide me my first real home; that of peacefulness and safety. I observed him throughout the day and suddenly began to notice him frequently just stop what he was doing and gaze around; sometimes focusing on a piece of furniture, a clock hanging on the wall or a special picture that we purchased together. At one point he shared how special it was building a home together. But for the most part there was no conversation, just silent pause and reflection.

We finished clearing out the garage and setting aside things for the estate sale. Mike sat on the living room floor for a period of time going through his tools and garage knick knacks (screws, wires, drill bits etc.); trying to organize and segregate out what to take with us. And while he worked on his projects I spent the day dusting, vacuuming, washing sheets to be sold and setting things on shelves for the crew to begin pricing.

We have cleared out a closet; putting everything we are taking with us aside, which isn't much.We will be traveling very light, just some tools, our clothes and a few personal items (Bibles, hair dryer, toothbrushes, books, etc.). Everything else is being sold in order to generate enough money to live on until something breaks.

We still haven't worked out the details of what we are going to do with our lives; but not for lack of tenacity in searching out avenues of opportunity and much prayer.

Yesterday was a very awkward day. We found a 1994 travel trailer that we believe will meet our needs and have had some communication back and forth with the couple who own the trailer. Last evening I sat and listened as Mike spoke on the phone with the husband, brother in the LORD. Mike shared a little about our situation and went on to beseech the man for help, asking that he consider reducing the sale price of the trailer to number $500 below what it has been listed for on Craigslist. The gentleman said he would think about it and get back to us; but we haven't heard back as yet.

What the gentleman doesn't know is that; aside from the fact that we are clearly in a crisis financial situation, Mike is asking to purchase the trailer for the exact amount we received through the sale of my wedding ring.

A few nights after the ring was sold Mike had made a comment; "It sure would be easier dealing with you losing your ring if I could tell you that your ring at least provided us our home." I know he has really struggled with the fact the ring is gone. He never once asked or eluded to wanting to sell the ring; he just wouldn't ever do that. Michael Daniel is a very loving husband and a very hard working and selfless individual who cares dearly for me. My husband doesn't deserve what is happening to him, especially just weeks before his 60th birthday.

There is this little piece of hope we hang onto; perhaps some miracle where we will wake up from this nightmare to find the judge filing a Final Judgment overturning his earlier order. Mike just hugs me each day and says "Honey, I don't know how but God will restore our lives."

I love you Michael, you're my hero!



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