Duke and Dixie were delighted to get some stuff out of this estate sale event! =)
The crew really took the bull by the horns, handling every detail without a hitch; and much to our amazement, were as reliable on the last day as they were on the first day. After three exhausting days they hauled off trash and vacuumed the house leaving it looking as though no one was ever here! Thank you all so very, very much!
Monday afternoon was the first day for the crew to come in and begin their research and pricing of items for the sale which began very early Thursday morning. About 80% of the items, from large furniture to little knick knacks were successfully identified and tagged on the first day.
I didn't think we had that much stuff, but we did. Man, I don't think middle class America realizes just how much our lives center around the acquiring of "stuff." We hang it on our walls; perch it on shelves; decorate our fireplaces with it; carefully organize it in our hutches and entertainment centers; pose it on kitchen counters and guest bathrooms, including the back of the commode. Then there are those treasures scattered throughout our little gardens, back patios and front porches.
During this process I suddenly realized just how much waste has occurred in my life in the acquisition and maintaining of; not just stuff, but brand new stuff purchased at retail. This experience has certainly changed my life forever; and I expect if we ever have a home of sorts again that we will be looking for our "stuff" at an estate sale. Not only is it a wise investment, but it also serves to help those in need.
Well, the estate sale went very well and now someone else has all of our stuff. So many lovely people came through today and stopped to share words of encouragement and support with Mike and me. We are so thankful for their compassion and kindness. If you happen to be one of those individuals, or someone who purchased items from our estate sale; Mike and I would like to sincerely thank you from the bottom of our hearts.
There were some moments of painful tears over the past several days; but not so much about the loss of stuff, but the reality that this was no longer to be our home.
And then there was the unexpected walk-through by the sellers' son that took me back a bit. When I was notified that he was here I felt somewhat violated; having him walking through our home, looking through the very personal pieces of our lives tagged for sale. I headed down the stairs to find him and politely ask him to leave our home. Fortunately, the crew searched the property and informed me that he had driven off at that point.
These past several years have just been so surreal.
In the midst of it all the Holy Spirit reminds me through God's Word that we are never to allow ANYTHING of this world to have such a hold on our hearts that we can't let it go without causing damage to our soul. After all, we can't take any of this stuff with us when we depart from this world. Moreover, we should be of a selfless disposition in our hearts, finding greater pleasure in blessing those who are in true need!
"No man can serve two masters:
for either he will hate the one, and love the other;
or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other.
Ye cannot serve God and mammon."
Matthew 6:24
Everything is gone but the sofas and a bed that will go to Good Will. The refrigerator, washer and dryer are gone. We have some things out in the camper fridge and picked up some Woolite tonight so that we can hand-wash laundry in a sink or bathtub until we get some quarters and take a full laundry basket on over to the local laundry mat.
Monday we will get the bearings packed with grease, a new tire and the state inspection done on the trailer and begin to organize and pack up our little home on wheels. The dogs are still with us; I just couldn't let them go. So, it will be a very snug little family of four surviving in a confined area until such time as God provides a means for us to have a porcelain commode again. =/
The next time you think about going shopping for something I hope you will find yourself an estate sale. Bless a family in need while doing yourself a favor; perhaps finding your treasure at a bargain price. And, you might find a few extra bargains at one of these estate sales that can be donated to a needy family, hospice, church or school.